Following in the footsteps of Judas, Benedict Arnold, and that wizard in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Joe Lieberman has finally chosen evil. As he gave his speech last night at the Republican National Convention, Gollum, I mean Joe Lieberman aligned himself with the Republican Party, despite the fact that he is a registered independent and that he still caucuses with the Democrats. Now I can’t say that I actually watched the RNC last night or even bothered to check out his speech online but I know exactly what he said.
He spoke of a ring, a ring so perfect in size and strength. Forged in the deepest, darkest dwellings of Mordor, it would be the ring to rule all rings. It would be his precious. He spoke of the battle for this ring, his ring, and how he would let John McCain borrow it for four years should America decide to make the biggest mistake it could possibly make this November.
Biggest Mistake huh? Well see Mr. Montoga.... when your taxes are hiked up when you decide to vote for Obama.
Theo You can hike well high in the mtns, but CLEARLY your politics are not well grounded. You are the perfect case for Dr. Phil all emotion no logic. A vote for THE MESSIAH is an obamanation, get your facts from somewhere other than westword and the nation.
being a young voter is good, don't be a young ignorant voter. If he's elected your going to roll over after that night and realize what you have in bed and it ain't going to be preety. Just answer this where is all the money going to come from to pay for all his promises? Serious ?, I wait your answer
I think both candidates need to tread very lightly on the whole tax issue, I assume that's what you're referring to. With George Bush's national deficit it may be hard for either candidate to avoid raising taxes. Visions of a George Bush Sr. are forming in my head.
I'm just more of the opinion that after watching the Bush administration destroy the national deficit to record numbers, starting a war that, in retrospect, didn't make a lot of sense, and taking away our civil liberties it might be time to try something new. The economy doesn't look so hot and more and more people are slipping below the poverty line.
Oh, and what's wrong with Westword? It's free and what else am I supposed to read while I'm at Chipotle?
Interesting read.
You keep ranting about your civil liberties being taken away, please explain WHAT THE HECK YOUR TALKING ABOUT? You have taken ridiculous talking points from the Obama campaign and regurgitate them without any factual basis. Please give me one concrete piece of evidence of this claim you keep writing about
In the Freedom Blogger's defense you yourself conceded that point on your own blog.
"Yogi said...
wow, I didnt even know he lost his job, good job at figuring that out. Oh yeah, his civil liberties? I guess looking at child porn and emailing terrorists at libraries is a pretty big civil liberty to lose, where is this country heading? (sarcasm intended)"
Now, you can argue to the degree to which our civil liberties have been violated, but you cannot argue that it hasn't happened. And I will grant you that losing your privacy may in fact deter the actions you mention above, but thats not the point. You either have a god given right to privacy or your don't.
And in the words of Benjamin Franklin...
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
J east,
I find it interesting that you reference the “God given” right of individuals to have privacy, yet the ultimate civil liberty is the right to life, which your candidate doesn’t respect in regards to the unborn or even the recently born, as evident by Obama’s non-support of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. In addition, you still fail to list one specific example of a US citizen “civil rights” being violated. Theo posts links to a left-wing advocacy group and a European news paper that are ambiguous and vague, hardly the indicting evidence one would need to present a compelling argument.
The fact is this, liberals protest the fabled loss of civil rights by this current administration but the real perpetrators are these same democrats. What party wants to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine, a practice used to silence conservative media? What party has introduced legislation to make it a hate crime for churches to take a stand against homosexuality from the pulpit? Democrats have try to scare the nation by using the Bush administration and the threat of losing civil liberties like a parent warns a child about the boogeyman, both using fear to get what they want. Fortunately we have looked under the bed and there are no monsters, and no Bush boogeyman
I guess we disagree. Unfortunately, you're not going to change my mind and since I have no agenda one way or the other (republican vs democrat or liberal vs conservative) it's irrelevant to try.
It's my personal belief to disagree with any law (act) that interferes with what I consider to be my civil liberties. Whether it's my right to privacy, my right to own a gun, or my right to make choices for myself. It has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative, or even a "US Citizen". If a Democrat tries to stop some Church's ability to say what they want, thats as wrong as a Republican doing the same thing.
For the record - both candidates are politicians, so they're both d-bags.
Here's a document written in the United States that points out blatant losses of U.S. citizen civil liberties. H.R.3162, sucka.
Here's a good breakdown of the Patriot Act, along with a pretty good explanation of carnivore.
What more do you need, Steve? A picture of John Doe being tortured in Guantanamo Bay? Sorry, that's a little out of my reach.
Since maybe you did not see the ? I will rewrite it Where is all the money going to come from to pay for all his (obamas) promises?
What the hell does "both canidates need to tread lightly" mean nothing nada zilch
I shall wait for the answer. FOCUS THEO FOCUS
Hey yogi
Good job
Maybe we could find a little money in the current military budget that could be set aside for some of Obama's promises...just an idea...
Hey Julio, welcome to the battle dome. Pick a side and start swingin'.
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